Friday, January 10, 2014

BOMB-PROOFING: What is it Really All About?

Bomb-proofing is not just for desensitizing horses to scary objects so they will be less likely to spook at them. Horses spook at anything and everything, so bomb-proofing for this purpose alone only lends truth to the saying "no horse is ever one hundred percent bomb-proof." 

The ultimate purpose of bomb-proofing is to prove to you horse that he can trust you with his safety so that, no matter what's going on around you, he is able to remain calm and follow your lead. Since horses can't do anything calmly unless they feel safe, bomb-proofing for this purpose gives your horse GOOD REASON TO BEHAVE CALMLY FOR YOU. When you think about bomb-proofing for this purpose, it is easy to understand how some riders are able to get their horses to behave calmly despite fireworks, gunshots or all kinds of pandemonium.  
Bolting is a huge safety issue for riders of every level because by the time the horse bolts he is already in panic mode. Whenever horses bolt they are in danger of hurting themselves, their riders, or anyone else in the area.
Bomb-proofing exercises, working with your horse amid distractions, helps you develop the ability to read your horse's body language well enough address fear issues before fear turns to panic.  They also hone your ability to remain calm and focused in challenging situations so you can keep your horse calm and focused on you.  

At the same time, bomb-proofing exercises help your horse learn to trust and rely on your leadership, rather than his instinctual desire to bolt, when he becomes frightened. Therefore, they help you help your horse gain confidence in himself and the world around him.

Learning to keep yourself and your horse calm and focused no matter what is going on around you is the best way to prevent yourself from getting injured while riding. I hope this inspires you to do some bomb-proofing with your horse...on the ground first, and then under saddle. 

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